
Day #8

lee started working with matt (of Barrick Heating and Cooling) today. poor guy has to keep working even though he's still getting paid from school. next summer, i'll be making money, too. so, Lee, you don't have to do this ANY more ever again after this summer! :) thanks for supporting us.

on a brighter note, after we've had a 2nd car totalled this spring, we've decided to perhaps purchase a scooter for me instead of a 2nd car. since my job is a total of .25 mile from home, we really wouldn't need 2 cars. these are the scooters i REALLY want:
The Lance Charming 50

The Metro Retro 4 Stroke


Debs said...

I like the color on the first one.

A girl from work has a scooter and loves it. She said she saves hundreds in gas $$$$.

Great idea!

The Piersons said...

Those are both super cute!