
Day #26-27

More mums and more air conditioners. Not too exciting. Luckily, we did get to relax poolside after our hard work. Matt & Margie have a lovely pool which we visited both days. Friday myself, Lee & Tim swam for a few hours and then visited Mrs. Curl!! LOVE that place.

Saturday, Lee dropped me off at the pool at 9 while he did some service calls with Matt.
I was pool side from 9 until 5! It was wonderful. My skin was sizzling when we got home. LOVE that! :)


Days #22-25

Before we move on to the week, I want to point out how much fun we had on the 1st Annual (hopefully) Shively Summer Weekend. This year we went to South Haven, Michigan to celebrate Chuck and Noanie's 30th Anniversary. This is where Runyan and Co. took me for my bachelor party so I knew it was a good time already; however, going back with family was also very enjoyable. Here are some pictures:

The week up to this point has been fairly uneventful. I have worked installing/servicing air conditioning units and Brianne has worked planting mums at the Greenhouse (work that we will both be finishing tomorrow). Both lovely jobs to have when it is 95 and humid.

The only unique day was Tuesday when neither of us had to work. We accidentally slept in so late that we woke up only because Buck started barking at the mailman bringing us our daily junk mail. We then took Tim to see The Hangover (our third trip, Tim's first). It still might be the funniest movie either of us have ever seen. We got to ride to and from the movie in Tim's new Jeep. It was quite an adventure as he took the top off. I had to sit in the back as it would have been "too windy" for Brianne's luscious locks. Sweet ride Tim.

Tim came back over later and the three of us watched a Dateline special on teen pregnancies (bitches be crazy), and then we watched several episodes of Weeds. We have been watching the first couple seasons lately on DVD. It is a hilarious show but definitely not family friendly.

To end, Brianne just got back from a pedicure. She says, "My feet can breathe despite the fact that the Koreans did NOT like my choice in nail polish."


Day #19-21

At the lake. :)

Day #18

We got up at 10, lounged around the house. Then, we took a 2 hour nap. I HATE naps. :(
Then we enjoyed lounging in our bada** pool. It was absolutely refreshing, surprisingly enough!


Day #16 & 17

6.16.2009 - not a lot going on at the shively residence. lee worked. bri shopped. seems to be a pretty recurring scene. i did get my drivers license renewed. it is THE worst picture i've ever taken. seriously. we had the opportunity to see the formerly slingshot 9, formerly asking autumn, revera perform last night. quite an entertaining evening.

6.17.2009 - lee worked hard again today; i did not. we did, however, treat ourselves to a pool. that's right, we bought a pool. look at this beaut...

you'll more than likely find me sitting in this msot days. we found out that buck likes it, too. :)


Day #15

Pretty simple day.
I worked. Brianne lazed.
We did have a sweetass dinner of spaghetti with homemade meatballs. Brianne says I am getting better at meatballs all the time (hi-ohhhh).
She did have a stroke of decorating genius and created the items below from leftover frames, "Memory" game tiles, and Alphabet flashcards:

Day #14

Brianne's cousin the electrician (not his real name) came over today to check and see if it was possible for us to get electrical hook-ups on the outside of our house for things like Christmas lights, outdoor movies, etc. It seems that this has a very good chance of happening. I also spent some time in the attic cleaning out the dryer vents and installing a light up there. Previouse to this, any time I was in the attic I had to hold a flashlight in my teeth as I worked.

Brianne went to see the musical Wicked. It seems that she had a tremendous time and thoroughly enjoyed the performance. She enjoyed it so much that she decided to reward the cast with a cell phone. By this I mean that she lost it at some point during the performance. The evening did have two upsides: (1) Brianne has a new admirer. At the pre-musical dinner, the creeper of a waiter she and her group had took a very specific liking to my Norweigan temptress. (2) Being that I declined attendance at said musical, I was able to watch two films that Brianne would most likely not have watched, Valkyrie and Defiance.


Day #13

we visited the Talbot Street Art Fair. it was lovely. very warm, very crowded, but very lovely. we could have easily spent $500. instead, we bought this adorable steel flower for the garden for a steal of $30. i really loved it!

we also decided to move some of our plants around in the front garden. it's growing so much this year. our hydrangea has doubled in size and the blooms are BEAUTIFUL!

this beauty is called a "Dwarf Papyrus" Cyperus. it's the coolest green flowering plant i've ever seen. thanks to Beth (our greenhous friend) for her donation. i can't wait to see what it looks like as it grows!


Days #11 & 12


family friend, Beth, has a greenhouse. she asks for help planting sometimes. lee and i went to help her out Thurs and Fri and planted about 1,200 mums! quite an accomplishment. this is sort of what it looked like when we were done....

Friday night we went to the drive-in. we saw hangover (again and still LOVED it) and land of the lost (not so great....just okay). the drive-in always makes for a good time. we saw several puppies, so next time we're definitely bringing buck. he would love snugglin in the back of the hatchback with us watching a movie. :) sounds like another summer date coming soon!


Day #10

I made the mistake of waking up, making waffles, and eating them without waking up Brianne and making her waffles. I won't be doing that again.
After that it was a pretty uneventful day. I worked all day in the rain and made enough to take a bombastic trip to the grocery store. When I got home Brianne was making the new banner for our blog. It's pretty awesome. She is really good with these "computers". I think they're a passing fad.
Now we are watching SYTYCD. If you don't know what that is then you'll never know *makes as-if face*.

P.S. Contrary to what you may have heard and how it seems, I am not gay.

(I did a google image search for "guy with waffles" and Kid Rock's mugshot came up. Awesome.)


Day #9

after researching and visiting scooter shops and then researching and visiting more scooter shops, i think we've found the right scooter for me.
drumroll please .........................
it's the Genuine Motor Sports Buddy 125CC in Seafoam. :) now i just need to make sure i can pass the "motorcycle endorsement" written test so i can get my permit to drive one of these....then i'll be scootin' 'round town like it's my business!


Day #8

lee started working with matt (of Barrick Heating and Cooling) today. poor guy has to keep working even though he's still getting paid from school. next summer, i'll be making money, too. so, Lee, you don't have to do this ANY more ever again after this summer! :) thanks for supporting us.

on a brighter note, after we've had a 2nd car totalled this spring, we've decided to perhaps purchase a scooter for me instead of a 2nd car. since my job is a total of .25 mile from home, we really wouldn't need 2 cars. these are the scooters i REALLY want:
The Lance Charming 50

The Metro Retro 4 Stroke


Day #7

You know that SNL skit Lazy Sunday? I am pretty sure Brianne hates that skit as we had anything but a lazy Sunday. We spent a good 3-4 hours deep cleaning the house (which was about 4 weeks overdue). We then made valances for our bedroom windows using the old curtains and particleboard. In case you don't know, because I sure as hell didn't, a valance is a decorative piece that you put at the top of your windows.

The results of our beast mode day:

The only lazy part so far was taking an hour and a half lunch break to eat (Brianne had leftover Carrabba's and I had 4 hotdogs) and watch the movie Me and You and Everyone We Know. It was an independent film but to say this movie was artsy was a definite stretch. It was weird. We are going to make up for this creeper of a film by seeing The Hangover later tonight. Hopefully it makes up for the waste of our time earlier.

Day #6

Saturday. garage saling. wasn't very impressed.


Day #5

well, it's the first friday of summer break. :( that means one whole week is done ALREADY! lee's done molding young minds for the summer. my next year office is organized-ish. i've got a fresh haircut....what's next?

lee says, "buuuuuuhhhhhh". wait, he's changing his comment: "vietnamese food is NOT chinese food."
good to know. :)

we'll leave you with a picture of young-pup-buck. he turned 3 this week. not only did we celebrate our third wedding anniversary, we got to celebrate puppy's third birthday.
how cute! :)


Day #4

Being that Brianne is oh-so busy today setting up her work dwelling, I was told to update Day #4 for her. Today Joe and I took our summer enrichment class students downtown to visit some Vietnam memorials/museums. It was nice to get out of the classroom and it has been great teaching a class/subject to kids who actually care to listen. It has also been interesting to both gain a greater understanding and become all the more conflicted about this war (insert belated Memorial Day shout out to all the men and women who have served/are serving). If I would join the Army, it would be sans testicles as Brianne would have her say on the matter.Brianne continues to extend her "community service" hours...at least that is what I have been calling her going in beyond her internship requirements and working for free. I showed up at the end of the day to help her rearrange the furniture in her office. As we all know, I have the guns it takes to beast mode furniture. Note to Brianne: Next time you are moving anything that may require you to get down on the floor, make sure you are not wearing a skirt!
Being that yesterday was our 3rd Anniversary, we made a list of 10 things (5 each) that we would like to do before our 5th Anniversary. A sampling of the ones that I can mention are taking a class together (dancing, ceramics, etc.), taking another vacation alone, and having a baby either in existenct or bun in the oven status. Since Brianne was dealing with puddly mess kids last night at Brooke's Place, we had planned to celebrate tonight. I suggested the drive-in movies but Brianne thinks it may be a bit too nipply outside so we will probably just get something to eat and see a movie indoors.
Well that is my first blog update and I don't quite feel as gay as I thought I would so you may hear more from me in the future.



Day #3

today i went into my future job site and organized my future office. this basically means that i organized/threw away 30 years worth of papers that had never been filed. really fun. i love cleaning up other people's messes.

lee taught his summer enrichment course again today. he dropped me off and picked me up. what a nice guy. i was especially happy he did this since it was raining and COLD all day.

on a more positive note, today is our 3 year wedding anniversary. :) i love this boy soooo much!

happy anniversary, lee thomas. :)


Day #2

Lee molded more minds, I actually did something productive (learned a bit more about my job next year), and then we sat on the front porch in our new rocking chairs during a summer rain storm. it was quite lovely....lee, however, couldn't believe that we were doing this WITHOUT being retired.....


rockin' chairs


overall, these were the cheapest, the easiest to get home, the easiest to "assemble" and pretty stinkin' cute. they were actually the comfiest, too. :)

also, i was hangin around my old stomping grounds (38th Street) and couldn't resist taking a picture of the most clever signage, ever.

in case you can't read it, it says, "BABES The Name Says It All!". let me remind you that this "gentelmen's establishment" is located at 38th and Lafeyette directly between a KFC and an Eyeglass World.


Summer - Day #1

so here's the scoop....i'm going to try to update this thing once a day ALL summer. i want to at least take 1 picture a day, too. that way, i can remember EXACTLY what we did the last summer before i become a working-woman! :)

today, lee's going to be molding more minds at Speedway thanks to a summer school grant. since we're down to one car, i'll be driving him up there and then visiting Lafeyette Scare Mall and Garden Ridge...and probably Goodwill. so, once again, while lee is being a productive, wonderful citizen, i'll be shopping. :)

i'm hoping to score a couple of rocking chairs for the front porch....these are at Garden Ridge:

we'll see...i'm sure i'll find something!