
Day #4

Being that Brianne is oh-so busy today setting up her work dwelling, I was told to update Day #4 for her. Today Joe and I took our summer enrichment class students downtown to visit some Vietnam memorials/museums. It was nice to get out of the classroom and it has been great teaching a class/subject to kids who actually care to listen. It has also been interesting to both gain a greater understanding and become all the more conflicted about this war (insert belated Memorial Day shout out to all the men and women who have served/are serving). If I would join the Army, it would be sans testicles as Brianne would have her say on the matter.Brianne continues to extend her "community service" hours...at least that is what I have been calling her going in beyond her internship requirements and working for free. I showed up at the end of the day to help her rearrange the furniture in her office. As we all know, I have the guns it takes to beast mode furniture. Note to Brianne: Next time you are moving anything that may require you to get down on the floor, make sure you are not wearing a skirt!
Being that yesterday was our 3rd Anniversary, we made a list of 10 things (5 each) that we would like to do before our 5th Anniversary. A sampling of the ones that I can mention are taking a class together (dancing, ceramics, etc.), taking another vacation alone, and having a baby either in existenct or bun in the oven status. Since Brianne was dealing with puddly mess kids last night at Brooke's Place, we had planned to celebrate tonight. I suggested the drive-in movies but Brianne thinks it may be a bit too nipply outside so we will probably just get something to eat and see a movie indoors.
Well that is my first blog update and I don't quite feel as gay as I thought I would so you may hear more from me in the future.


1 comment:

gen shively said...

I like the bun in the oven/baby in existence goal :) Elam & #2 need Shively cousins!