
Day #14

Brianne's cousin the electrician (not his real name) came over today to check and see if it was possible for us to get electrical hook-ups on the outside of our house for things like Christmas lights, outdoor movies, etc. It seems that this has a very good chance of happening. I also spent some time in the attic cleaning out the dryer vents and installing a light up there. Previouse to this, any time I was in the attic I had to hold a flashlight in my teeth as I worked.

Brianne went to see the musical Wicked. It seems that she had a tremendous time and thoroughly enjoyed the performance. She enjoyed it so much that she decided to reward the cast with a cell phone. By this I mean that she lost it at some point during the performance. The evening did have two upsides: (1) Brianne has a new admirer. At the pre-musical dinner, the creeper of a waiter she and her group had took a very specific liking to my Norweigan temptress. (2) Being that I declined attendance at said musical, I was able to watch two films that Brianne would most likely not have watched, Valkyrie and Defiance.

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