
Christmas break WRAP-UP

well, those two weeks went by waaaaaaaaaaay too fast! let me see if i can remember how we spent these 16 days of "relaxation"...

  • day 1 - recovery from joe's ugly sweater party
  • day 2 - lazy day, sundays usually are...
  • day 3 - tim and meredy time :)
  • day 4 - a little more family time, a lot of christmas present wrapping, a little lounging
  • day 5 - christmas eve - whew! chuck and noanie's ALL day! late lunch, elam time, dinner, and PRESENTS!
  • day 6 - CHRISTMAS!!! :) wake up way too early, have our own little christmas at home; go to my mom's BEFORE 9 AM....ahem....no one was awake!; breakfast and presents at my mom's; lunch, presents and Wii Music at grandma and grandpa natterstad's; dinner and more elam time at chuck and noanie's. WHAT A DAY! home and straight to bed.
  • day 7 - this day is kind of fuzzy. i think we had another family day because elam was going back to bloomington...
  • day 8 - movie (Benjamin Button) and shopping! :) sales, sales, sales...
  • day 9 - another sunday, another day of laziness.
  • day 10 - CLEAN UP! no more christmas stuff.... :(. it started with lee taking down the outdoor stuff, then we ended up taking down all the inside stuff....then we ended up organizing our closets. wow.
  • day 11 - a little more shopping today with just me and lee. pacers game with tim and meredith. this was lots of fun. we lost, the traffic was stupid, and it was freezing, but we had a great time. they're leaving soon:(.
  • day 12 - new years eve....CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN. we had friends over that night, so we cleaned allllllll day. our house has never looked so nice! then, around 10, the friends starting showing up. we had 24 people in our little house! it was sooooooooooooooooooooo much fun. i'm so glad everyone came! :)
  • day 13 - CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN. yep, we got to clean up the remnants of 6 hours of partying-friends. it was all worth it. and we did a chinese buffet with runyan. happy 2009! later, we went over to chuck and noanie's to see elam (they were babysitting) and got a DELICIOUS dinner while we were there.
  • day 14 - lunch at 96th Street Steakburger with Tim and Meredith. YUM. quick shopping trip to castleton. checked on brabdey since he had surgery. poor bubby. then some relaxing.
  • day 15 - tim and meredith left. over to my mom's to check on brabdey again. watched some football and ate some chilli. then home for the totally awfully disappointing colt's game.
  • day 16 - the last day. we shopped til we dropped. sold some stuff at platos closet, bought some more stuff....it was a fun, busy day. then we went home and watched some of our office season 4.

well, that was lots. i'm glad my memory is still functioning since it was on overload most days. it was a really nice break. now, i have to face the scariest semester of college in my life. it's the last semester until i have my Masters degree, but i'm scared. send me good thoughts so that i can get through it as soon as possible... :)