
Violet...among other things

My Pal Violet is really neat (or My Pal Scout if you're a boy)! I would highly recommend it. Soph is in love with her. :)

On another note, Sophie had her 9 month check up this morning. She is "perfect" and "chill" according to Dr. Reiser. He couldn't get over how good she was the whole HOUR we were there. The wait was a bit excessive, considering our appointment was at 8:30....and that was the earliest appointment.  Oh well.

Our girl is 27 1/4 inches long, 19.2 pounds, and her head was 17 1/2 inches in circumference. She's growing like wild. As you can see, she was impressed with herself! Luckily, no shots today. Mama and Dada were happy about that!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

CUTEST PICS EVER of her on the doc table :) Miss you guys!