
Sophie's Birthday-a-thon Celebration

Since Sophie was born at 12:12am on 4.1.2010, I felt it was kind of important to celebrate on 3.31 as well - since I was in the hosptial laboring all day that day...it's an important day, too! So to commemorate the "labor all day" day, we zoo'd it up. SO NICE to have some sunshine to share with our cutie. I didn't get a picture, but Sophie's favorite exhibit was the warthogs. Yes, the warthogs. She called them puppies. Gotta love that she's not judging books by their covers! :)

With Dada by the new BATS exhibit. YUCK.

Lookin like such a big girl in her stroller.

Posing with the giraffes.

She did like the elephants quite a bit.

Inside the BEAUTIFUL White River Gardens. She was about ready for a nap at this point!

Then, it was April 1st. Sophie's official first birthday. O.M.G. Can't believe it! Here's first thing in the morning. Mama and Dada walked into her room singing "Happy Birthday" bringing a card and gifts. Mama wrapped the present in napkins - hint: very good idea when your child doesn't quite understand how to unwrap gifts! Worked like a charm!

LOVE these PJs. Dada picked her out this bathtub light-up-and-spout-water whale!

She loved this card....maybe more than the bathtub toy.

Flash forward 2 hours later, we are at the doctor's office getting her 12 Month Well Check. She passed with FLYING colors. Dr. Rieser couldn't believe how good she's doing. We got the go-ahead to switch to milk and to feed her table food. So what did we decide to do...go to Chuck E. Cheese for lunch! PIZZA!  Oh, but wait...Soph had s.h.o.t.s. Yes, we're bad parents who scheduled our beautful angel baby to have shots on her birthday. They were pretty harmless. She did cry some seriously big tears though. So we went home, she took a TWO AND A HALF HOUR nap. Those of you that know Sophie...this is a miracle! So finally, around 3:00, we headed off to Chuck E. Cheese's.

Saying "What's up" to Chuck.

Watching D.J. Chuck E. do his thang.

She was using all her might to try to crawl over this ledge!



What a BIG GIRL!

She basically ate two pieces....that doesn't make us bad parents, does it?

Chillin' with her pal Stuart.

Riding on the fire truck (no straps=nervous Mama! Yikes!)

Crusin' along with Chuck.

Smacking the Ticket Wheel.

Feeding the Puppy.

Then, we went to Gigi's to say hello - because Gigi needed her some Soph. First thing Soph does when we get there is crawl over to this metal art work that was precariously propped up in the corner, and knocks it over on herself. Luckily, eyeballs were fine. Just got a couple big scratches on her cheek and ear. :(

Mama doesn't seem to mind the puffy scratches. Poor Soph!

THEN! We went to the new Marshalls in Southern Plaza. Mama LOVES her a Marshalls. Found some goodies. Best of all - we found a new Woojette...not that Soph needed one, persay, but look at the comparison. Once we saw the new pristine one - Sophie NEEDED a new one. Pretty gross how gross that bunny got from all Soph's love! We headed home; Soph had some nakey time - her favorite! And then it was Mama-needs-some-snuggles-time (she's actually letting me snuggle before bed now!!!!). Dada managed to snap a picture of all the woojies (minus THE Woojie) that Soph ended up taking with her to bed!

Same bunny - new vs. old!

Just a head in the crowd!

All-in-all, what a WONDERFUL couple of days! I love this girl so much. She is the light of my life....as is Lee. I love him, too. We've been so lucky with Sophie's mannerisms, health, sleeping/eating habits, etc. Makes me nervous for the next one...but definitely doesn't make me want only one baby! She's just been such a blessing in our lives. I hope she knows that and how much we LOVE  LOVE  LOVE her!

Once again, happy birthday my sweet girl!

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