
Globes - not the classroom kind.

So, I realize I'm not a fashion editor or a stylist, but I get some serious joy from fashion (mostly just admiring). If only my personal budget would allow purchases from boutiques other than Forever21, Target, and H&M...maybe someday.

These are my favorites from the Golden Globes:
(images from JustJared)

Mila - GORGE green. beautiful dress.

Anne - R.Zoe, truly, "I die." I am in love with this dress.

Gosling - Velvet, apparently = handsome. Love this look.
After seeing him on Ellen, I was kind of looking forward to the adult size fleece onsie pajamas!

Emma - My absolute favorite: color, cut, back. LOVE.
Least Faves:

Jayma - Emma Pillsbury does no wrong.
This, unfortunately, does nothing good for one of my favorite actresses.
Sorry, Jayma. Better luck next awards ceremony.

Portman - Pregnancy glow is gorgeous. Dress is hideous.
I don't understand how this could cost more than all of my wardrobe combined...
Tilda - Why? I can appreciate quirky. This is just confusing.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Tilda = Most terrifying woman alive.