
it's been a while...about 9 months :)

well. we're going to have a baby...in less than a month. :)

sophie marie shively is due 4/10/2010. i can't wait to meet her and see her little face and kiss her little hands. she's moving around A LOT in my belly these days. i can actually sit and watch my belly move. it's kinda freaky.
here are the belly pictures we've taken over the course of the pregnancy...there are only a few...and let me just tell you - i am MUCH bigger now! :)


Bethany said...

Yay!! You're adorable and I bet her nursery is too (I've always been jealous of your decorating skills). You're gonna love mommy-hood. :)

The Piersons said...

YAY, you're back on the blog! I can't wait to meet little Sophie & hopefully read lots of blog posts about the cute things she does every day. :)